Risk and Reliability Management

Risk and Reliability Management:
Risk and Reliability Management covers the whole process of managing equipment maintenance strategies. It is a key process in sustaining any Maintenance and Reliability improvement effort. When properly implemented, the process ensures all maintainable items are captured in the Asset Register and is reviewed, utilizing a risk-based approach, to identify the inspection and maintenance actions required to retain an item in a specified condition.
The risk-based approaches we use at varying levels include:
- criticality assessments
- Maintenance Strategy Reviews
- Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO)
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
Our process provides equipment strategies that ensure:
- the right tasks are identified
- tasks are scheduled at the right frequency to prevent or minimize the consequence of failures
- the right people perform the tasks
- tasks are continuously optimized
Other tools used and services provided include:
- Root Cause Analysis
- Pareto Analysis and Bad Actor review
- Reliability studies
- Asset verifications
Our experts can assist your organization with starting a new PM program or optimizing your existing program. We also can assist with establishing bad actor reviews and defect elimination and failure management program along with the necessary training. If you would like additional information please contact us.